“Superband” formed by current and former members of Lobotomia, Sensimilla Dub, Grinders releases debut single.

RxUxA (Rebels United In Anarchy), the newest Brazilian Crossover band formed by current and former members of bands Lobotomia, Sensimilla Dub, Grinders, Screaming HC, Megaforce and Brain Invaders, releases their debut single 'Human Race Extermination ', which features more than special guest appearances by Henrique Fogaça (Oitão) - also a renowned chef and one of the presenters of the MasterChef Brasil - sharing vocals, and national metal legends Jairo Guedz (former Sepultura, former The Mist and current The Troops Of Doom) and Dick Siebert (Korzus).
About the band:
RxUxAx was created with the desire to further mix the elements of Thrash Metal, Hardcore and Punk Rock, forging a nervous Crossover with lyrics transiting between English, Portuguese, Spanish / Castilian and addressing diverse social themes, such as inequality, misery , lost and alienated youth, ignorance, lack of culture, false political ideologies, pandemic and everything that has been afflicting humanity in recent decades.
RxUxAx's influences range from Jazz to New York / Finnish Hardcore, Thrash Metal and ‘old school’ Punk Rock, resulting in a 100% original, noisy, worked and very ‘groove’ Crossover.
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