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New Releases: The Collector | League of Lights

Positive message marks the third single from the newly released album.

"Are you forever a monument

To slander, insults, disrespect,

Filling your streams of consciousness

Wearing your life away."

Made available almost simultaneously as the new album, 'The Collector (Radio Edit)’ is a delightful synthpop that begins with a haunting piano refrain before opening out into a huge and memorable chorus. Farrah, the vocalist, says that “I had been musing about the things we collect, not physically, but things we carry with us like compliments and insults. I find it interesting that we remember and hang on to negativity, sometimes from years ago, but try and recall a compliment from the same period and it’s nearly impossible!".

‘Dreamers Don’t Come Down’, which can be pre-ordered on Burning Shed, was written and recorded during the 2020 spring/summer lockdown, with Farrah stating that “it is about the past, the present and the future; about taking the best from all that you have been through, the pressures of modern life and keeping your dreams alive in dark times”. Richard, describing their modus operandi for the album, explains that “we wanted it to be more piano-driven than our previous release and deliberately utilized a smaller pallet of sounds. We had just recorded the song ‘Modern Living’ and that helped to define how our new material would sound - more open than before with less synths and more space for Farrah's voice to really lift off. It's as much about the space as it is about the notes.”

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